ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me try to explain chelois in a way that you can understand.

Chelois is actually a type of grape that is used to make wine. The reason it's called chelois is because that's just its name, kind of like how you're named after yourself.

Now, let's talk about how wine is made from chelois grapes. First, the grapes are picked from the vineyards by people called farmers. They make sure to only pick the ripest grapes because those will make the best wine.

Then, the grapes are put into big machines that squish them until they become a juicy liquid called grape must. This must is put into barrels and left to ferment. Fermentation is when tiny microorganisms called yeast eat the sugar in the grape must and turn it into alcohol.

After a few months, the wine is ready! It's bottled up and sent to stores where people like you and me can buy it.

So basically, chelois is a type of grape that makes delicious wine, and it takes lots of hard work and time to turn those grapes into a tasty drink. Cheers!