ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Well, cherology is actually not a topic that is commonly talked about or understood even for adults. So, let me explain to you what it is in simpler terms.

Cherology is a word made up of two parts: "chero" means hand and "logy" means the study of. So, it is the study of hands.

Now, why would people study hands, you may ask? Well, hands are very interesting, because they can tell a lot about a person. For example, did you know that the lines on your palms can tell astrologers about your personality traits and future? Or that fingerprints are unique to each person and they help detectives solve crimes?

Cherologists study all sorts of things related to hands, like how they move and how they can express emotions. They also study how hands are used in different cultures, like in sign language or hand gestures.

So, basically cherology is a special type of science that helps people understand more about hands and their importance in our lives.