ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chessie (sea monster)

So just like how there are monsters in movies and stories, people used to talk about sea monsters too. And one of them is called Chessie. They say that Chessie is a huge creature that lives in the Chesapeake Bay, which is a big area of water in the United States.

Now we don't know for sure if Chessie actually exists or not, but some people have reported seeing something in the water that they think might be Chessie. They say it's really long and has a big hump in the middle, kind of like a snake. And it has a long neck and a head that looks like a cow or a horse.

Some people even say that they've seen Chessie swimming around and playing in the water. But other people think that maybe it's just a really big fish or some other sea creature that people are mistaking for Chessie.

So while we can't be totally sure if Chessie is real or just a story, it's a fun and interesting idea to think about. Who knows, maybe someday we'll find out for sure if Chessie really does exist or not!