ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, let me tell you all about chiburekki! It's a type of food that comes from a place called Russia, and it's kind of like a really big, tasty, yummy dumpling.

So, chiburekki is made by taking some dough, which is kind of like play-dough, and rolling it out into a big circle. Then, you put some yummy filling inside, which can be all sorts of things like meat or vegetables.

After that, you fold the dough over on itself, like you're folding a big blanket, to make a sort of pocket. Then you press the edges of the dough together really tightly, so that the filling doesn't fall out.

Finally, you cook the chiburekki in a hot oven or on a griddle until it's nice and crispy and delicious. And that's it! You have yourself a tasty chiburekki, ready to eat!