ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chief of Defence

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of someone called the chief of defence? They are a very important person in the military. It is like having a boss who is in charge of all the other bosses in the military.

So imagine all the soldiers, sailors, and pilots in the military as a big team. The chief of defence is the leader of this team. They make sure everyone in the team is doing their best and working together to protect the country.

Our country needs someone to make all the big decisions, like when to go to war, what weapons to use, and how to protect our people. That's why the chief of defence helps make these important choices.

The chief of defence is like a captain of the team. They tell the other bosses what to do, and the other bosses tell the soldiers, sailors, and pilots what to do. This way, everyone knows what they need to do to help keep our country safe.

In a way, the chief of defence is like a superhero working behind the scenes. They protect our country and make sure we can live safely and happily.