ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Child sacrifice in pre-Columbian cultures

Long, long ago in some countries that were called 'pre-Columbian' (which means before a man named Columbus came to them), some people believed that they needed to offer something very valuable to the gods, in order to keep them happy and to make sure good things happened like rain and crops.

These people believed that the gods would be very happy if they offered the most valuable thing they had- which was often a human life- usually a child. This was called child sacrifice.

But why did they think a child was valuable? Well, most people love children, they are innocent and pure- and so the people who believed in child sacrifice thought that children were the most pure and perfect gift they could give to their gods.

It's important to know that not everyone believed in child sacrifice. In fact, many people were against it because they thought it was barbaric and cruel.

Nowadays, child sacrifice is illegal and not allowed in any country. It's important to remember that all human life is valuable, and that sacrificing one person to please a god is not a nice thing to do.