Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes grown-ups make rules that don't always seem fair to you or other children? Well, there are special people called children's ombudsmen whose job is to make sure that your rights as a child are protected and respected by the government and other adults.
They kind of act like superheroes for kids, making sure that you are treated well, that you have access to education, good healthcare, and can live in a safe and healthy environment. They also listen to your concerns and complaints when you feel like you have been treated unfairly, ignored, or discriminated against because of your age.
Just like how you have a teacher who helps you when you're struggling with schoolwork, the children's ombudsman is there to help you when you're facing problems that you can't solve on your own. They are always on your side and are there to protect your rights and make sure you can grow up happy and healthy.