ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

China RoHS

China RoHS is a set of rules that China has made to help protect the environment. These rules are about making sure that certain materials in electronics products are not harmful to people and the world around us.

When we use electronics products, there are sometimes materials in those products that can be dangerous. For example, some materials can cause people to get sick or hurt the environment. China RoHS helps to make sure that the electronics products that we use don't have those dangerous materials inside of them.

To do this, China has created a list of materials that cannot be used in electronics products sold in China. Manufacturers who want to sell their electronics products in China have to follow these rules and make sure their products don't have those materials listed.

Overall, China RoHS is a way to keep people safe and protect the environment by making sure that the electronics products we use don't have harmful materials in them.