ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

China–Indonesia relations

China and Indonesia are two big countries that are friends with each other. Think of it like two big kids in school who get along well and play together.

China and Indonesia have been friends for a long time, since the 15th century when people from China first came to Indonesia for trade. They would bring goods like silk and ceramics, and in return, they would get things like spices and wood.

Today, China and Indonesia still trade with each other a lot. China buys a lot of products from Indonesia like palm oil, coal, and copper, while Indonesia buys things like machinery and electronics from China.

Sometimes, just like any friends, China and Indonesia might have disagreements or arguments. For example, China has claimed ownership of some small islands in the South China Sea, which is also claimed by other countries including Indonesia. This can create tension between the two countries.

But overall, China and Indonesia try to be good friends with each other and work together on things like tourism and cultural exchanges. It's like being friends with someone even if you don't always agree on everything.