ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese Cuban

Chinese Cuban refers to individuals or families of Chinese descent who live in Cuba. Many Chinese people migrated to Cuba in the 19th and early 20th centuries to work as contract laborers or small business owners.

Imagine you have two different groups of people. One group comes from a country called China and the other group comes from a country called Cuba. But some people belong to both groups! These are called Chinese Cubans.

In the past, many Chinese people moved to Cuba to work. They were hired to do jobs like building railroads or working on farms. Some Chinese people also started their own businesses in Cuba.

Over time, Chinese Cubans became part of Cuban culture. They married Cuban people and had children who grew up speaking both Chinese and Spanish. They also brought their own food, traditions, and beliefs to Cuba, adding to the diversity of the country.

Today, there are still many Chinese Cubans living in Cuba. They continue to be a unique and important part of Cuban society, with their own customs, language, and culture.