ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese button knot

A Chinese button knot is like tying a fancy bow on a present, but it's a little more complicated. Picture two strings, one yellow and one blue. First, take the blue string and make a loop in the middle. Then, take the yellow string and place it on top of the blue loop, going under the blue string on the right side and over the blue string on the left side.

Next, take the yellow string on the left and loop it over the blue string on the left, then under the yellow string on the right, and back over the blue string on the left. Pull it tight.

Repeat the same steps with the yellow string on the right, except go over the blue string on the right, then under the yellow string on the left, and over the blue string on the right.

This forms a sort of woven pattern with the blue string in the middle and the yellow strings looping and crossing over each other. Keep repeating these steps until the knot gets to the size you want.

Finally, take the two ends of the blue string and tie them together tightly. This will hold the knot together and make it look like a button.

The Chinese button knot is traditionally used as a decorative knot for bracelets, necklaces, and other crafts.
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