ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese hip hop

Chinese hip hop is like a type of music that people in China like to listen to and dance to. It's like when you listen to your favorite song and it makes you want to move your body and dance along.

Hip hop music often includes beats and rhythms that are made with things like drums, guitars, and keyboards. The words that the singers say are very important too because they tell a story. Just like how you tell stories with words, hip hop singers use their words to tell stories about their lives, their feelings, and the world around them.

In China, hip hop started to become popular in the 1990s and 2000s. Many young people liked this type of music because it was fresh and new, and it spoke to their experiences. Some of the popular Chinese hip hop singers today include GAI, Jony J, and Higher Brothers.

Sometimes, Chinese hip hop also looks different than what we might see in the United States or other parts of the world. Chinese hip hop singers often have their own unique style and fashion, and they might mix in elements of traditional Chinese culture, like wearing a traditional hat or playing a Chinese instrument in a song.

Overall, Chinese hip hop is like a type of music and culture that has become popular in China, and it's a way for people to express themselves and enjoy something fun and exciting.