ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese restaurant table distribution

Okay, so imagine you and your family are going out for dinner at a big Chinese restaurant. When you get there, the waiter shows you to your table. But wait! There are a lot of other people at the restaurant too, and they also need tables to sit at.

To make sure everyone has a table to sit at, the restaurant has a special system called "table distribution." This means that the waiter has to decide which table to give to each group of people based on how many people are in the group and what size table they need.

The waiter might give a big table to a family with lots of people, and a smaller table to a family with only a few people. That way, everyone has a place to sit and eat their yummy food.

It's kind of like when you share toys with your friends. You have to make sure everyone gets a turn and that everyone has a toy to play with. The Chinese restaurant is doing the same thing, but with tables instead of toys.

So, in summary, table distribution is a way for a Chinese restaurant to make sure everyone has a table to sit at by figuring out which table is the best fit for each group of people based on how many people are in the group and what size table they need.