ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese spirit possession

Chinese people believe in a concept called spirit possession which means that some spirits can enter a person's body and take control of their thoughts and behavior. It's like when you pretend to be a puppet, and your friend controls your arms and legs.

In Chinese culture, there are different types of spirits, and some of them may not be good. To prevent bad spirits from entering a person's body, they take certain precautions such as wearing amulets, reciting prayers, or avoiding certain places or people.

Sometimes, people who have been possessed by a spirit may show strange behaviors that seem uncharacteristic of themselves. For example, they may speak in a different voice, act erratically, or be violent. When this happens, the people around them believe that a spirit has taken over their body, and they may seek out a spiritual healer to help exorcise the spirit.

Spirit possession is taken very seriously in Chinese culture, and people believe it is a real phenomenon. However, not everyone believes in it, and some view it as a superstition or a psychological disorder. Whatever one's beliefs are, it is important to respect the cultural practices of others and not judge them for what they believe.