ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chip carrier

Okay, so imagine you have a toy car. The toy car is made up of lots of little parts that fit together to make the car work. The same thing goes for your phone or computer. They have lots of little parts too, like chips, that work together to make the phone or computer work.

Now, these chips are really important because they help your phone or computer do things like connect to the internet or play games. But just having a chip isn't enough - it needs to be put into a special package so that it can be connected to other parts of the phone or computer.

This special package is called a chip carrier. It's kind of like a little box that the chip sits in and it has tiny wires that connect the chip to other parts of the phone or computer. Think of it like a little house where the chip lives and can do its job.

So, when you hear people talking about chip carriers, they're basically talking about these special little boxes that hold the chips and connect them to other parts of your phone or computer.