ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Choir dress

When you sing in a choir, you usually wear a special outfit called a choir dress. It's similar to a uniform that helps everyone in the choir look the same and feel like they are all part of a team.

A choir dress is usually a long, flowing robe that goes all the way down to your feet. It may come in different colors, depending on the choir and the occasion. The dress may also have decorations or patterns on it, like a cross or a floral design.

The choir dress is often made of a certain type of fabric that is easy to clean and doesn't wrinkle easily, so you always look neat and tidy when you sing. This is important because you want to look and feel your best when you perform in front of an audience.

Choir dresses also usually have some special features that make them different from regular dresses. For example, they may have a high collar or long, flowing sleeves. This is to make sure everyone in the choir looks alike and is able to move their arms and hands freely while singing.

Overall, the choir dress is an important part of being in a choir. It helps you feel like you're part of a group and makes you look professional when performing in public.