ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Christianity and Biblical prophecy

Okay, so imagine you have a favorite book that tells a story about a special person you really like. This book has different chapters that tell you what will happen to this person in the future.

Now, imagine this book is like the Bible, which is a special book for Christians. They believe that it tells the story of a special person named Jesus who was sent by God to help people.

But the Bible also has something called prophecy, which are the parts of the book that tell you what will happen in the future. It’s like the author of the book already knew what would happen many years later!

The prophecy parts of the Bible talk about different things, like wars, natural disasters, and even what will happen to the world when it ends. Christians believe that God gave these prophecies to special people called prophets so that they could tell everyone what God wanted them to know.

Some Christians believe that some of these prophecies have already come true, and others are still waiting to happen. They use these prophecies to try to understand what they should be doing to prepare for the future, and also to feel reassured that God has a plan for everything.