ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Christine Bell

Christine Bell is like a really special grown-up lady who knows a lot about things called conflict and peace. Conflict is when people are really angry or mad at each other and they might hurt each other or say mean things. Peace is the opposite of conflict. It means that people are getting along and being nice to each other.

Christine Bell likes to help people who are in conflict find ways to have peace instead. She listens to what everyone is upset about and tries to help them figure out how they can all be happy together. Sometimes she might need to tell them things they don't want to hear, but it's all to help them make peace.

One thing that makes Christine Bell super cool is that she has studied lots of different places where people have had conflict and helped them find peace. She knows a lot about wars that have happened before and how people have tried to make peace after. People all over the world like to listen to what she says because she is really good at helping people make peace.