ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chromatic spectral sequence

Think of colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. When we look at light, it can be made up of different colors, kind of like putting together different colored LEGO bricks to make something cool.

A chromatic spectral sequence is like a way to organize all those different colors of light. Imagine you have a big box of LEGO bricks, but they are all mixed up and you want to sort them by color. So, you start by separating the red, orange, and yellow bricks into one pile. Then you do the same for green, blue, indigo, and violet. You might even go a step further and separate each color into lighter and darker shades.

The chromatic spectral sequence does this same kind of sorting, but with different colors of light. Instead of putting them into piles, though, we put them into a big chart. The chart has lots of different squares and rectangles, and we put the different colors of light in different spots on the chart.

As we keep adding more and more light to the chart, we start to see patterns emerge. Just like how we can see a pattern in the colors of a rainbow, we can see patterns in the colors of light on the chromatic spectral sequence chart. These patterns can help us learn more about how light works and how we can use it in different ways.

So, the chromatic spectral sequence is like a big chart of different colored lights that helps us organize and understand them better.