ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, have you ever heard of an animal called the chupacabra? No? Well, some people believe it is a scary monster that sucks the blood of other animals, like goats and sheep.

Its name means "goat-sucker" in Spanish because it was first reported in Puerto Rico where farmers found their goats with blood drained from their bodies. People have reported seeing the chupacabra in other parts of the world too, like Mexico, Chile, and even the United States.

Now, some people say that the chupacabra is just a myth, but others say they have seen it and describe it as a creature that looks like a mix between a kangaroo and a reptile.

Now, scientists haven't found any evidence that the chupacabra is real, but people still talk about it and some even claim to have seen it. So, while we may not know the truth about the chupacabra, it's still a mysterious and spooky creature in some people's minds.