Chuvash numerals are numbers that people who speak a language called Chuvash use to count things. Chuvash is a language spoken in Russia that has its own special way of counting things. Instead of the regular numbers you might be used to (like 1, 2, 3, 4), Chuvash has a different set of numbers that they use.
So imagine you have some toys that you want to count: one teddy bear, two dolls, three balls, and four toy cars. If you're speaking Chuvash, instead of saying "one, two, three, four," you would say "пушкăн, нисек, туçар, иртӑс" which are the Chuvash words for those numbers.
It might look really different from what you're used to, but it's just a different way of counting things. People who speak different languages often have their own special words for numbers.