ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Circles of Sustainability

Sustainability is when things like the environment, people, and resources are supported and protected so that they can last for a long time. The Circles of Sustainability are a way to think about sustainability, and they help us come up with ways to make sure everything stays safe.

The Circles of Sustainability include four parts: Environment, Economic, Social, and Cultural. The environment includes things like animals, plants, air, and water, and how they are all connected to each other. The economic part is about how people get money, what products they buy and sell, and how they take care of their resources. The social part includes things like how people interact with each other, how everyone is included, and how everyone is given a fair chance. And the cultural part looks at how people express themselves and their beliefs through cultural activities like dance, music, and art.

So the Circles of Sustainability help us think about how we can use all of these parts to keep the environment, people, and resources safe for the present AND future!