So, imagine you live in a really big house with three rooms. You can move from one room to the next by going through a special door that connects them. Each room has its own things and people, like your bedroom with your bed and toys, the living room with the TV and couch, and the kitchen with the fridge and oven.
Now, think about a planet that is like your house. Except, instead of rooms, there are three different bodies in space that are connected by a special force called gravity. These bodies are called A, B, and C, and they orbit around each other in a circular path.
The planet A is the biggest and has the most gravity. It holds the other two planets, B and C, close to it. Planet B is in the middle and is constantly being pulled by A and C. Planet C is the smallest of the three and is also being pulled by A and B.
So, when we say a planet has circumtriple motion, it means that these three planets are "dancing" around each other, always keeping their distance, while they move in a circle around their common center of gravity. It's like three friends holding hands and spinning around in a circle.
Circumtriple planets are very rare and it takes a long time for scientists to discover them because they are so far away in space. But they are really cool to study because they help us understand how gravity works and how planets form and move in space.