ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

City & Guilds Mnemonic Code

Okay kiddo, let me explain what City & Guilds mnemonic code is. First, do you know what a mnemonic is? It's a trick or memory aid that helps you remember things.

City & Guilds is an organization that helps people learn different skills and get certificates to prove they know these skills. They use a special code to help them keep track of all the certificates they give out.

Now, the City & Guilds mnemonic code has three parts. The first part is a letter that represents the skill or subject someone has learned. For example, "C" stands for carpentry and "P" stands for plumbing.

The second part is a number that represents the level of difficulty. Level 1 is the easiest and level 8 is the hardest.

The third part is a group of letters and numbers that represent the specific certificate someone has earned. This part helps City & Guilds keep track of all the different certificates they give out.

So, let's say you earned a certificate in carpentry and it was level 2. Your City & Guilds mnemonic code might be "C2 11." The "11" at the end represents the specific certificate you earned.

Overall, the City & Guilds mnemonic code is just a fancy way to keep track of all the skills and certificates people have earned. It helps the organization stay organized and makes it easier for people to prove what they know.