Okay kiddo, do you know what it means to work for the government? There are people who work for the government, like your teachers or your friendly neighborhood mailman. These people are called civil servants.
Back in the olden days, when someone who worked for the government didn't do a good job or maybe spoke out about something they didn't like, they could be fired easily. That wasn't very fair, right? Imagine if you got fired from your school just because your teacher didn't like your backpack! That's not very nice, is it?
So, a long time ago, the government made a law called the Civil Service Act. This law said that civil servants can only be fired for good reasons, like if they did something really, really bad, like stole a bunch of money or didn't show up to work for weeks. This was a way to make sure that people who worked for the government could do their jobs without worrying about getting fired for speaking up or for something silly.
Unfortunately, some people were still fired for bad reasons anyway. So, a new law was made called the Civil Service Restoration Act. This law made it even harder for someone to be unfairly fired. It protected those who were fired because they spoke out against something they thought was wrong, or because they were a certain race or gender.
So, the Civil Service Restoration Act helped make sure that civil servants were treated fairly and equally, no matter who they are or what they believe in.