ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Civilisation (TV series)

Civilisation is a TV show that teaches us about the history of human civilization. Basically, it tells us how we humans have changed and developed over time.

Think of it like a story book, but instead of being about characters and their adventures, it's about real people from the past and how they lived their lives. The show talks about everything from our earliest ancestors and how they learned to create fire and tools, to the different kingdoms and empires that have risen and fallen throughout history.

The host of the show, Sir Kenneth Clark, is like a teacher who helps us understand all of these things. He takes us on a journey through time and shows us things like ancient ruins, beautiful art, and important documents from history.

But, just like in school, there might be some parts that you don't understand or find boring. That's okay! You can always ask questions or take a break and come back later.

In short, Civilisation is a show that helps us learn about our past and how we became the society we are today.