ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clan Stewart

Okay, so Clan Stewart is a big group of people who all have the same last name and they all are related to each other in some way. They are really proud of their family history and they like to do things together to keep their traditions alive.

Clan Stewart is also known as Clan Stuart and they come from Scotland. A long, long time ago, their family had a really important job working for the king of Scotland. They were in charge of taking care of the king's possessions and helping him with important decisions.

The Stewarts were really good at their job and they became really powerful. They even became kings themselves! They wanted to make sure that their family stayed important and so they made up rules for how people could belong to their clan.

One of the really cool things about Clan Stewart is that they have a special symbol that represents their family. It's a plant called a thistle and it has spiky leaves and a purple flower. The Stewarts put the thistle on everything, like flags and coats of arms, so that people would know it was them.

In summary, Clan Stewart is a big group of people who all have the same last name and come from Scotland. They are really proud of their family history and have a special symbol called a thistle. They were once really important to the king of Scotland and even became kings themselves!