ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Class Action Fairness Act of 2005

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005. Have you ever heard of a class action lawsuit before? It's when a group of people who have been harmed by the same thing, like maybe they all got sick from a certain food or a medicine that didn't work right, they can join together and sue the company or person who caused it.

Now, the Class Action Fairness Act is a law that was made to help these kinds of lawsuits be more fair. It does a few different things. For one, it makes it so that if a class action lawsuit involves a lot of people from different states (like maybe some people are from California and some are from New York), it can be moved to federal court instead of state court.

Another thing the law does is it makes sure that if a big settlement or judgment is awarded to the people in the lawsuit, they actually get most of the money. Before this law, sometimes the lawyers representing the group of people would get a lot of the money for themselves, leaving the people who were hurt with very little.

So, the Class Action Fairness Act helps make sure that these kinds of lawsuits are handled in a way that is fair to everyone - the people who were harmed and the lawyers representing them.