ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Class variable

Okay, kiddo, so let's pretend you have a bunch of toys at home, right? And you and your sister like to play with them together. But sometimes you want to know how many toys you have in total, right? That's kind of like a class variable in programming.

A class variable is like a special spot where a program can keep track of information that's related to a whole group of things called objects. Like, in our toy example, the class variable would be like a toy box that keeps count of all the toys you and your sister have together.

So instead of each toy having its own count of how many toys there are, there's just one count that all the toys can share. And if a new toy gets added or an old one gets taken away, the count in the toy box will update automatically.

In programming, a class variable might keep track of something like the number of objects that have been created, or some other piece of information that's important for all the objects in that class to know. And it helps keep everything organized and in one central place, just like how the toy box keeps all the toy-related info together.

Does that make sense, kiddo?