ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Classical Chinese poetry genres

Okay kiddo, so classical Chinese poetry has many different types of poems, kind of like how ice cream comes in many different flavors. Here are some of the most popular ones:

1) Shi: This is the simplest form of classical Chinese poetry, kind of like vanilla ice cream. It has a fixed number of lines and syllables, usually four lines with five to seven syllables each. It often talks about nature or emotions.

2) Ci: This is like chocolate ice cream with toppings. It has a fixed number of words in each line but the number of syllables can change. Ci often has a musical quality, and is very lyrical.

3) Qu: This is like a sundae with many different toppings. It's a type of song, with many different parts like verses, refrains, and choruses. Qu often tells a story, like a fairy tale or a legend.

4) Fu: This is like a banana split with different flavors of ice cream. It's a type of poetry that's very descriptive, with lots of elaborate language and metaphors. Fu often talks about historical events or famous people.

So those are the main types of classical Chinese poetry, but there are many more flavors and types to explore. Just like how there are many flavors of ice cream to try, you can find the type of classical Chinese poetry that you love the most!