ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clay pot cooking

Clay pot cooking is when you make food in a special type of pot made out of clay. This type of cooking has been around for a very long time, even before people had fancy kitchen tools like microwaves and ovens. The clay pot is made out of special mud that is baked in an oven until it becomes hard and sturdy.

When you put food inside the clay pot and cook it, something really cool happens. The clay pot traps the steam and moisture from the food while it cooks. This means that the food cooks all the way through without getting too dry. The food also gets infused with the flavors and nutrients from the steam, making it extra tasty and healthy.

It's important to soak the clay pot in water before cooking with it. This helps the pot to stay moist while cooking and prevents it from cracking or breaking in the oven. Once the pot has soaked, you can put it in the oven and cook your food just like you would in any other type of pot.

Clay pot cooking is great for making dishes like stews, soups, and roasts. It's a very gentle and healthy way of cooking because you don't need to add a lot of extra fat or oil to keep the food moist. Plus, the flavors of the food really shine through when you cook with a clay pot. So, if you like yummy food and want to try something new, maybe give clay pot cooking a try!