ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clearing factor

When you eat food, your body uses some of it for energy and keeps the rest to build and repair your body. This leftover food is called metabolites. But sometimes, these metabolites can be harmful to your body and need to be removed. Think of it like cleaning up your toys after playing with them.

That's where the clearing factor comes in. It's like a superhero that helps your body get rid of harmful metabolites. The clearing factor is made up of proteins in your blood that bind to these harmful metabolites and carry them to your liver and kidneys, which are like the clean-up crew.

Once the metabolites are in the liver and kidneys, they break them down into harmless substances and remove them from your body through your urine or stool. Just like how your mom or dad helps you clean your toys and puts them away in the right place.

So, the clearing factor is like a helper for your body that makes sure harmful metabolites are cleaned up and removed. It's important to keep this process working properly so that your body can stay healthy and strong.