ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Click chemistry

Have you ever played with Legos before? Imagine that you have lots of different kinds of Lego pieces and you want to build something new with them. Click chemistry is like a special kind of glue that you can use to stick Legos together in a specific way.

But instead of Legos, click chemistry is used by scientists to stick molecules together in a specific way to make new drugs, materials, or other things. Scientists use special chemicals called "click reagents" that can easily react with each other to form new bonds. Just like how Lego pieces have specific shapes that fit together, click reagents also have specific shapes that fit together and react easily.

Click chemistry is very useful because it allows scientists to make new things quickly and efficiently. Just like how you can make something with Legos much faster if you have a special glue that sticks them together easily, scientists can make new molecules much faster with click chemistry. It's like magic, but instead of waving a wand, scientists use chemicals to make new things.