ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Climate Investment Funds

Climate investment funds are like piggy banks that help people save their money for important things, like taking care of our Earth. Just like how you might save your allowance for a toy or treat that you really want, these funds save money to help protect the environment.

But instead of saving money in just one piggy bank, these funds have different piggy banks for different goals. For example, one piggy bank might be for helping people use clean energy so we don't have to use so much pollution. Another piggy bank might be for helping countries that are suffering from droughts or floods caused by climate change.

People and countries can put their money into these piggy banks, and then the money is used to help with these different goals. Scientists and experts decide the best ways to use the money to help the environment.

These funds are really important because they can help us do things like switch to cleaner energy and protect wildlife that is being hurt by climate change. And just like how you might keep adding money to your piggy bank, people and countries can keep adding money to these funds to keep helping our Earth.