ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Climate change and indigenous peoples

Climate change means that the Earth's weather is changing in a way that makes things hotter, colder, wetter, drier, or more extreme. This change is happening because people are putting too much pollution in the air by using fossil fuels like coal and oil.

Indigenous peoples are groups of people who have been living in different parts of the world for a very long time, usually before other people came and started changing things. These people have their own cultures, traditions, and ways of living that are connected to the land and nature around them.

Climate change is affecting indigenous peoples because their traditions and way of life are closely tied to the environment. For example, some indigenous peoples rely on hunting or fishing to get their food, but as the climate changes, it can affect where the animals or fish live and make it harder to find food. Climate change can also cause natural disasters like floods or droughts, which can destroy homes and crops.

Indigenous peoples are also often on the front lines of climate change because they live in places that are more affected by things like rising sea levels or extreme weather. This can make it harder for them to continue traditional practices like farming or using natural resources.

Many indigenous peoples are working to adapt to these changes and find new ways of living that are sustainable in a changing environment. They are also advocating for policies and actions that address the root causes of climate change and protect the environment for future generations.