ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clinical Document Architecture

So you know how when you go to the doctor, they write down what's wrong with you and what they're going to do to help you? That paper is called a clinical document.

But sometimes doctors need to share your information with other doctors or nurses to make sure you get the best care possible. That's where clinical document architecture comes in.

Clinical document architecture is a fancy name for a way to make sure all the information in those papers is organized in a way that other people can easily understand.

Think of it like sorting your toys into different boxes. Your dolls go in one box, your cars in another, and your blocks in another. That way, when you want to play with your dolls, you can easily find them in the doll box.

In the same way, clinical document architecture sorts all the important information about your health into different sections, like your medical history or your current medications. That way, when your doctor sends your information to another doctor, they can easily find what they need to know.

It may sound boring, but it's really important! Making sure information is organized properly helps make sure that you get the best care possible.