ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clive Bell

Clive Bell was a man who lived a long time ago and was interested in art. He thought that what made art good wasn't just how it looked, but how it made people feel. He believed that good art was able to create a special feeling in people called "aesthetic emotion."

Clive Bell thought that the way art made people feel was more important than what the art actually looked like. He said that art should be judged based on whether it made people feel that special feeling, not on how pretty or realistic it was.

Some people didn't agree with Clive Bell's ideas, but they were popular in the art world at the time. Many artists and art lovers thought he was very smart and talked a lot about his ideas. Even though Clive Bell lived a long time ago, people still talk about his ideas today when they think about what makes art good.