ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cloak and dagger

Imagine you are playing hide-and-seek with your friends. You want to hide really well so that they can't find you easily. You might use a nice big tree as a hiding spot or maybe sneak behind a big rock.

Now imagine that instead of playing hide-and-seek with friends, you are a spy trying to keep something a secret. You need to make sure that nobody knows what you are doing or else it could be very dangerous.

This is where the idea of "cloak and dagger" comes in. It's a special kind of sneaky strategy used by spies to stay hidden and undetected while they do their work.

The "cloak" part of the strategy is all about hiding what you're doing. You might wear a disguise so nobody recognizes you, or you might use secret codes to communicate with your fellow spies. The goal is to make it look like you're doing something innocent or normal, when really you're doing something sneaky.

The "dagger" part of the strategy is for when things get dangerous. If you're caught by someone who shouldn't know what you're doing, you need to have a way to defend yourself or escape. This might involve having a weapon hidden somewhere, or having a secret tunnel to run away through.

So, in summary: "cloak and dagger" is a sneaky strategy used by spies to stay hidden and safe while they do their work. The "cloak" part is about hiding what they're doing, and the "dagger" part is for when things get dangerous and they need to defend themselves or escape.