ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Closing the Gap

Closing the gap is when people try to make things fair for everyone, so that nobody gets left behind. It's like if you and your friend were running a race, but your friend was slower than you. If you tried to make everything fair, you might slow down or wait for your friend so that you could finish the race together. This way, nobody feels left out or like they missed out on something.

When people talk about "closing the gap," they often mean that they want to make things fair for people who might not have the same opportunities as others. For example, some kids might not have access to good schools or teachers, which can make it harder for them to learn and succeed. Closing the gap means that people are working to make sure that everyone has access to good schools and teachers.

Another example of closing the gap is in healthcare. Some people might not have access to good doctors or medicine, which can make them sick more often and make it harder for them to stay healthy. Closing the gap means that doctors and healthcare professionals are working to make sure that everyone has access to good healthcare, no matter where they live or how much money they have.

Overall, closing the gap is all about making sure that everyone has the same chances to succeed, no matter who they are or where they come from. It's all about making things fair and equal for everyone.