ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coastal Zone Management Act

The Coastal Zone Management Act is a law that helps protect the areas of land that are next to the ocean, called the coastal zone. This law was created to make sure that people who live, work, or visit the coast can enjoy it safely, while also keeping it healthy for plants and animals that call the coast their home.

It's a set of rules - like a list of dos and don'ts - that people and governments must follow when they want to do something near the coast, like build a new house or start a business. These rules help make sure that whatever we do near the coast doesn't harm the environment or the local communities.

The Act helps state governments, like Florida or California, create plans for how to manage their coastal zones. This means they can decide where to allow building, how to protect wildlife and natural habitats, and how to promote sustainable economic development. The Act also provides funding to help states create and enforce these plans.

In short, the Coastal Zone Management Act is a law that helps keep the coastal environment healthy and enjoyable for everyone, by setting rules for what we can and can't do, and how to manage the area responsibly.