ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coat of arms of Budapest

The coat of arms of Budapest is a special symbol that represents the city of Budapest. It is like a special sign that shows everyone what Budapest is all about.

The coat of arms has different pictures and designs that have important meanings. Let me explain each part to you like you are 5 years old.

First, there is a big yellow circle in the middle. This circle represents the sun, which is very important because it gives us light and warmth. Budapest is a city that has a lot of sunlight, and this symbol shows that.

Inside the circle, there are two main symbols. One is a castle and the other is a crown. The castle is like a big building with walls and towers. It represents the history and strength of Budapest. Long ago, people used to live in castles to protect themselves. The castle in the coat of arms shows that Budapest is a city with a long and important history.

The crown is a special hat that kings and queens wear. It stands for power and authority. Budapest used to be the capital city of Hungary, and the crown shows that it was a very important place.

Next, there are two small symbols on the sides of the circle. On the left side, there is a golden lion with a blue tongue and nails. Lions are very strong and brave animals, and this lion represents the bravery of the people of Budapest.

On the right side, there is a red-white striped pole with three hills on top. The hills represent the hills that surround Budapest. These hills are called Buda Hills. The pole with the hills shows the beauty of the landscape in Budapest.

Finally, there is a banner underneath the circle with the words "Budapest" written on it. This is to remind everybody that this coat of arms represents the city of Budapest.

So, in summary, the coat of arms of Budapest has a yellow sun in the middle to show the sunny weather. Inside the circle, there is a castle and a crown to represent the history and importance of the city. On the sides, there are a brave lion and the Buda Hills to show the bravery and beauty of Budapest. And at the bottom, there is a banner that says "Budapest" to remind everyone what city it represents.