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Coat of arms of Moldova

A coat of arms is like a special logo or picture that represents a country or a family. It is usually made up of different symbols that have special meanings. The coat of arms of Moldova is no different!

The coat of arms of Moldova has a few different parts that all stand for something special. First, there is a shield in the middle. This shield is divided into four parts, or quarters. In the top left quarter, there is a golden eagle with a cross in its beak. The eagle represents bravery and strength, and the cross represents faith and religion.

In the top right quarter, there are two swords crossed together. The swords represent the willingness to defend Moldova, and they show that the people of Moldova are strong and ready to protect their country.

In the bottom left quarter, there is a golden aurochs head. An aurochs is a big, wild animal that used to live in Moldova a long time ago. The aurochs head symbolizes freedom and the connection to nature. It reminds people of the beautiful wildlife that once roamed the land.

Finally, in the bottom right quarter, there are three red hearts. These hearts represent love and a united country. They show that the people of Moldova care about each other and work together to make their country a better place.

Around the shield, there is a wreath made up of wheat and grapes. Moldova is known for its agriculture and its delicious wine, so these symbols remind us of the importance of farming and the rich vineyards that cover the country.

Above the shield, there is a crown. The crown represents royalty and the sovereignty of Moldova as an independent country. It shows that Moldova is proud of its history and is a strong nation.

So, the coat of arms of Moldova is a special picture that tells a story about the strength, bravery, faith, love, and unity of the Moldovan people. It also reminds us of the natural beauty and rich history of the country.