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Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus

The Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus is a really old book that was written a long time ago by people who lived a long time ago. It's really special because it has things written in it that can help us learn about the past, like stories and important religious teachings.

The book is written in a really old language called Greek, which is different from the language we speak today. The pages are made of something called parchment, which is like really old paper that is made from animal skin.

But what makes the Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus even more special is that the people who wrote in it a long time ago actually erased the writing on some of the pages and wrote new things on top of it. Kind of like when you use an eraser on a piece of paper and then write something new on top of it.

But people were still able to read the original writing because they looked really closely at the pages and could still see some of the old letters that weren't completely erased. This helped them learn even more about what the people who lived a long time ago were like and what they believed in.