ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cognitive archaeology

Cognitive archaeology is like being a detective who investigates how ancient people used their brains thousands of years ago. Just like when you play detective games, cognitive archaeologists use clues to solve mysteries about how people thought and behaved long ago.

To start with, let's think about our brains. Our brains help us think, learn, and remember things. They also help us make decisions and solve problems. Back in the olden days, people lived differently but they still had brains just like we do today. So, cognitive archaeology helps us understand how those ancient brains worked by looking at things they left behind.

One way cognitive archaeologists do this is by studying ancient artifacts. These artifacts can be things like cave paintings, tools, or even bones. By examining these objects, archaeologists can make guesses about what ancient people might have been thinking and how they might have used their brains to make those things.

For example, if they find a cave painting of a hunting scene, they can think about how ancient people might have planned their hunt. They might wonder how they communicated with each other to coordinate their actions. They might also try to figure out if there was a leader who decided where to go and how to organize the hunt. So, by studying these paintings, cognitive archaeologists try to understand how ancient people made decisions and worked together.

But sometimes, there are no artifacts to study. In those cases, cognitive archaeologists might use something called experimental archaeology. It's like doing fun science experiments to learn new things about old times! They recreate ancient tools, build replicas of houses or even sail ancient boats to see how they were used. By doing these experiments, they can get a better idea of how ancient people used their brains to figure out new ways of doing things.

So, in summary, cognitive archaeology is all about using clues from ancient objects and experiments to figure out how people in the past used their brains to think, solve problems, and make decisions. It's like being a brain detective and exploring the minds of ancient humans!