ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cognitive interventions

Cognitive interventions are like exercises for the mind. Just like you do exercises to make your muscles stronger, cognitive interventions help make your brain stronger.

Imagine your brain is like a big computer that helps you think, feel, and remember things. Sometimes, just like a computer, it can get tired, confused, or make mistakes. This is where cognitive interventions come in.

Cognitive interventions are activities, games, or techniques that help train your brain to think and remember better. They can be things like puzzles, memory games, breathing techniques, or visualization exercises.

One common cognitive intervention is called mindfulness. Mindfulness is like taking a big deep breath for your mind. It helps you stay calm and focused.

Another example of a cognitive intervention is called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is like a coach for your brain. It helps you learn new ways to think about things so you can feel better.

Overall, cognitive interventions are a way to help your brain stay strong and healthy. Just like eating healthy and exercising your body, taking care of your brain is important too!
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