ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coins in the Bible

Okay kiddo, so in the Bible, people used coins to buy things, just like we use money today. But the coins they used looked and worked differently than our coins do.

There were a few different types of coins back then. One type was called a "shekel," and it was worth about as much as a day's wages for someone who worked in the fields. Another type was a "denarius," which was worth about a whole week's wages.

People would use these coins to buy things like food, clothes, and animals. But sometimes the coins had pictures or symbols on them that were related to things like kings or gods, and some people thought it was wrong to use money that had those kinds of pictures on it.

There's also a famous story in the Bible called "The Widow's Offering." In this story, a poor widow gives just two small coins as an offering at the temple, while other rich people give a lot more money. But Jesus says that the widow actually gave more than the others because she gave all she had, while the rich people only gave a small portion of what they had.

So you can see that coins played an important role in everyday life in Bible times, just like they do now.