ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Colonial Service

Okay kiddo, so colonial service is when some countries would go to other places and take control of them a long time ago. They did this because they wanted those places to give them things like money, resources, and people to do work.

The people who went to those places to take control were called colonial administrators or colonial officials. They would often be sent by the country that was in charge and would have a lot of power over the people who lived there.

These colonial officials would do things like make laws, collect taxes, and make sure people followed the rules. They would also make decisions about things like education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

Sometimes they would also try to change the way people in those places lived by introducing new customs, beliefs, and ideas. This would often cause problems because the people who lived there didn't always agree with the colonial officials.

Colonial service was a complex system that had a lot of impact on the people who lived in the colonized areas. It led to a lot of changes and conflicts that we still feel the effects of today.