ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Comet (programming)

A comet in programming is like a message sent from a server to the web browser you are using to look at a website. It's like a note that the server sends to your browser to let it know that something has changed on the website you're looking at.

Think of it like a teacher who writes a note and hands it to a student who then passes it to another student, and so on until it reaches you. In the same way, when a server sends a comet message, it goes through a series of interconnected systems until it finally reaches your web browser.

This comet message can contain different types of information depending on what the server wants to tell your browser. It could be new data, new comments from other users, or any other information that needs to be updated on a webpage.

So, comet in programming is like a way for the server to tell your web browser that something new or interesting has just happened, and it's time to update the webpage with this new information so you can see what's new!
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