ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Commissioners in Lunacy

Okay kiddo, so a commissioner in lunacy was someone who had a really important job a long time ago. Their job was to help people who were not thinking clearly and needed someone else to make decisions for them. These people were called "lunatics" back then, but today we might call them "mentally ill" or "disabled."

The commissioner in lunacy would visit the person who needed help and talk to them to make sure they understood what was going on. Then they would help make decisions about things like where the person would live, what kind of treatment they would get, and who would take care of them. This was really important because sometimes people who were mentally ill were not able to make good choices for themselves, and they needed someone who could help them.

Today, we have different ways of helping people who need assistance because we want to make sure everyone gets the help they need in a way that is fair and respectful. We know a lot more about mental health and how to support people who are struggling, and we try to make sure everyone has access to the care they need. So while the job of a commissioner in lunacy was really important in the past, we've found new and better ways to help people now.