ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communist Romania

Alright kiddo, let me try to explain Communist Romania to you.

Communist Romania was a country that used to exist in Europe. It was ruled by a group of people who believed in a certain way of organizing society called communism. In this system, everyone is supposed to be equal and share everything together.

In Romania, the leader of the country was a man named Nicolae Ceaușescu. He had a lot of power and controlled many aspects of people's lives. He made decisions about what people could and couldn't do, what they could say, and what they could think.

Under the Communist regime in Romania, people didn't have a lot of freedom. They couldn't travel or leave the country without permission. The government controlled everything, including the media and the schools. There was no private property, and the government owned most of the businesses and factories.

Life in Romania under Communism was tough. The standard of living was low, and people didn't have access to many of the things we take for granted today, like technology and entertainment. There weren't a lot of options for jobs, and people often had to work long hours for very little pay.

Many people were unhappy living under Communist rule, and they protested against the government. In 1989, there was a revolution in Romania, and the people overthrew the Communist regime. Nicolae Ceaușescu was arrested and executed, and the country started to move towards democracy.

So, in a nutshell, Communist Romania was a country where the government controlled everything, and people didn't have a lot of freedom. It wasn't a very happy place to live, and many people were glad when it ended.